Our Philosophy of Preaching

God uses His Word in every part of Scripture to save and sanctify. Our goal in preaching is to proclaim the truths of Scripture to God's gathered people. We believe the best way to do this is to preach through entire books of the Bible. This way the Bible picks the topic, not the preacher. Additionally, we believe the most effective way to bring scriptural truths to light is through what is called 'expositional preaching.' An expository sermon involves reading a text, explaining what it means, and showing how it applies to our lives today. Its goal is to let the text shape the sermon as much as possible, so the main point of the text will be the main point of the sermon. The sermon will seek to accomplish what the text is seeking to accomplish. The tone of the sermon will reflect the tone of the text, etc. To put it simply, expository preaching is about simply telling people what God has said in any given passage of Scripture, so that people are confronted with God's word, not man's. This is important because, unlike man's word, God's word in Scripture has authority and power to save lost souls and transform the hearts and lives of His people.

Below you will find:

The upcoming sermon or sermon series as it nears,

Audio for the current sermon or sermon series,

Audio for the recent sermon or sermon series.

All audio recordings are also on our Resources/Audio page.